Sunday, October 28, 2012

Navalny is no longer a liberal hero

Alexei Navalny, who, perhaps, the main rate of non-system opposition, after apparently unsuccessful election to the Coordinating Council has lost integrity among former allies. Experts believe that it is not the most figure-antikorruptsionera blogger, and in more severe changes protest movement.

The fact that after so poorly conducted elections to the coordinating council opposition confidence rating blogger Alexei Navalny was sharply reduced, first started talking already in the protest movement.

In zugzwang

For example, the leader of the "Democratic Choice" Vladimir Milov wrote on Monday that except uphold Navalny year ago in error, it turns out, already knew about the problems that may be associated with its support. Chief among them, he called it a "conflict-free" and willingness to "bend" under Moscow mediatusovku. He admits that Navalny "had much to do," but I am convinced that he "was Kerensky, not Churchill."

After the "Russian March", where skinheads scattered patriotic forces ousted the criticism of Navalny camp "friends" began to sound bolder and louder. So, journalist Catherine Vinokourov took the instantly became popular column on the "transformation of a decent man who had much to do, one of those with whom he was fighting."

As we know, not only Navalny appeared on the "Russian March", referring to the common cold, but did not write about the event in any of the numerous blogs that seemed suspicious to the opposition media. In particular journalist Ilya Azar so persistently questioned Navalny of ignoring them "Russian march" that the blogger simply banned unpleasant questions from a master. This story further spurred critics.

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